Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why I Started Blogging

I started this blog for many reasons, but I will try to give you the simplest of answers. I am highly introverted but I have a ton to say. This does not necessarily mean I need someone to be listening, it just means I need to get it out! I am also highly creative but do not have the time or the space to keep up with big crafty projects. This blog (I hope) will allow me to jump online write a post about something that interests or inspires me and ta-da both my needs to express are met! 
I also like to think that maybe something I write will help even just one person. As I talked about in the "About Me" section I am a normal everyday working girl. I have bills to pay, grocery shopping to do and cleaning to get done. This does not sound like a ton of fun (why would someone want to read about that?!) but I know that being able to relate to someone even through the most mundane of tasks can make a world of difference in how I feel about my life. I hope to do this for someone.
I also know that social media has created an environment were people display only the best of the best. This has caused me to question what I am doing wrong and covet others physical belongings or even their lives as a whole. I do not want this blog to EVER make anyone feel this way!!! I want someone to read a post and relate, feel inspired, or realize a hurdle they have overcome that I am currently trying to jump.
In the same way I want this blog to be a place where I myself can see growth. I want to be able to look back and see I have finally jumped that dang hurdle and then rejoice in my victory (woo woo, happy dance). We all need to do this, we need to remember even the littlest of victories. 
I am constantly learning and growing just like so many other people on this planet. I am so NOT perfect. I make mistakes, desire others "better" lives, wish my days away too often and forget to see the beautiful life God has given me. I am hopping that through writing this blog I am able to see more and more of the beauty in my life and less and less of the negatives which are usually all too easy to spot.


  1. Yay!!!! I'm so happy that you found an outlet! Good luck, and I'm listening!

    1. Thank you Joanna! Yay I'm glad your listening... hope you enjoy :)!

  2. Welcome to the blog-family. Excited to see how God will bless you and others!

    1. Thank you Mrs. Horning! I am excited to be part of the blog family and excited to see how this new journey goes :)
