Thursday, March 6, 2014

Oh Sweet Thursday

So today is Thursday. Since I have a Mon-Fri work week I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It has been one of "those" weeks (watching three kids under three, I actually have a lot of "those" weeks). One child is sick, another is going through a phase were listening is just not her thing and the youngest is teething ALOT (four back teeth coming in).
Don't get me wrong. I love my job, I love being a nanny I find it extremely fulfilling. With that said, weeks like this make me wonder how I can ever go on living because I am so mentally, physical and spiritually drained. In times like these I try to remember the bigger picture. Not only do I need this job but like I mentioned earlier, it is fulfilling and I DO love it.
I love that everyday when I come to work I get to teach these kids how to be proper little members of society! We read books, they ask questions and their minds just take it all in (ask them the name of any dinosaur... they will know it!). They are little sponges who suck up every tidbit of information they see, hear and experience. I will never forget the day I saw one of them do a little happy dance after she finished a puzzle... I thought, wow she just did my happy dance and sang my happy dance song! I practically died of laughter and excitement.
In my opinion there is nothing more flattering than seeing a child "copy" you. In my opinion there is also nothing scarier than seeing a child "copy" you. In these moments I am reminded that these little people are watching me everyday. THEY ARE WATCHING ME. Everything I say or do is being recorded in their minds.
This is an amazing privilege but also at times a wakeup call. Especially when I start hearing the little boy say things like "drama drama drama" every time one of his sisters starts to cry. Yikes! I said that!!! Do I want him to say that? No! When this sort of thing happens I am put in check. I want only the most uplifting things to come from their months, therefore only the most uplifting things need to be coming from my mouth.
It is a great responsibility to watch children and I do not take it lightly. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to learn this now before I have my own children. Not because I view these kids as "test children" but because I believe any knowledge you can gain before you have children of your own will be beneficial. I can only hope that all of these years as a nanny will help to make my transition to mother (one day far in the future) a little bit easier :)


  1. I think you will be a great mom and this will prepare you for motherhood. You will be able to determine what is normal and not so normal behavior and can find effective ways of handling situations before you do them on your own kids. I work with toddlers now and modeling is so key. It is true you catch yourself doing habits you normally don't think would be bad and to see it copy back makes you more accountantable. Be sure to take days for your relaxation to destress because anyone would feel on days overwhelmed and drained. :) Love, Alison Wilk

    1. Awe thank you Ali! And yes it REALLY does keep me accountable! I have the weekends to destress. If I didn't have my weekends, ai yai yai I don't know what I would do!
