Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sweet Vacation

On the agenda today, start "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire, paint my nails (OPI  "Bareing it All" and Essie "Where's my Chaffeur"), drink tea while enjoying the smell of this pineapple candle, perhaps tan poolside... oh and do a freaking ton of laundry (not pictured hahaha).

I am currently on vacation and loving just about every second of it (minus the flea issue that I wrote about in my last post)! Last year I went to visit my sister in Florida during my summer week long vacay but this year I opted for a "staycation". There were several reasons for that decision (money, whether my husband should take time off after just starting his new job, leaving Vivienne...) and honestly in so many ways I actually find a staycation far more relaxing.

I'm a little home body. I love to be alone, watch my shows, eat Phineas and Ferb Mac and Cheese, read a little and just fall asleep whenever the mood hits. (On a side note, I never knew how perfect a cat is for this lifestyle. Adding Vivienne to the mix was the best thing I ever did for my introverted sole). I've also spent a great deal of time a Target shopping the clearance and going to several different Starbucks to greet the Baristas I can't typically see during my workweek, oh and of course to get an iced tea :).

I always have to laugh when the Baristas ask me "So where are you going if your on vacation?" and I respond "Home to do some cleaning!" then they say "Girl your suppose to be relaxing!". The funny thing is that is relaxing to me!!! I am not saying I am opposed to going on actual vacation but I am saying that I do not get the same rest during a destination vacation that I do on a staycation.

I actually sleep differently when I stay home for a week with nothing to do. I dream intense (very weird) dreams that I can literally tell are processing things I have been dealing with in my life. I also get the chance to do any of the deep cleaning I need to do (clean the fridge, reorganize the pantry and clean the shelves, perdge my closest for the millionth time...) and cook dinner every night without it being a burden!

It truly is amazing how when I have more spare time the things I typically see as burdens after a long day of work (cooking dinner, cleaning, organizing, even reading a book) become the little things I find the most joy in. Maybe its unhealthy or OCD of me but seriously I do not think I can be any happier than I am when I'm siting in a clean apartment reading a book (cat by my side), with dinner simmering on the stove knowing my husband will be home in an hour. Pure bliss I tell you!

If there was anyone out there wondering what I was up to on my vacation now you know! I think I will now put on some clothes (aka a bikini and coverup) and head to the grocery store before I change my mind and go directly to the pool with my book and tea ;). Oh how I love vacation!!!

Vivienne loves vacation too.

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