Monday, August 25, 2014


Today is August 25th, 2014 and today I turned 25... Wow. My whole life I have in some way always looked forward to/dreaded this day. It's my golden birthday, it's also the day I turn a quarter of a century. I thought for sure the days before this day I would be an emotional wreck, I mean what have I accomplished in life?! I'm a nanny with a college degree, I have a husband and a cat that I think is my baby. Those are great things, accomplishments, millstones but many times I see only the things I have yet to do and thought I would have by this age.

I tend to look at my life this way ALOT, a bit negative. But what I began to see in the days leading up to this day were not all the things I haven't done but rather all the things I have experiences and accomplished. I began to appreciate the life I have so much more than ever before. This is not a bragging moment but rather a moment to say to myself and to anyone reading "even if you haven't done all you want to do, there is still time and don't forget everything you HAVE DONE!".

I was positive I would have like three babies by now but I haven't one (besides Vivienne, I'm pretty sure no one counts her though). But seriously having no babies yet is the best ever! I want kids more than anything else in life but I know now it IS NOT the time. God has opened up so many opportunities for my husband and I that we could not have taken advantage of if we had kids. I don't even live in a full sized apartment, I live in a studio, never thought that would happen... But it is amazing! We save so much money and it honestly is perfect for us. I have a husband who is not what I ever would have expected... He is more amazing than I could have ever dreamed (even though we drive each other nuts). I have a steady job for three kids whom I absoluty love and a cat who literally is the light of my life.

I am not a mother, I do not own a home, I still have school debt, I haven't lost any weight I wanted to loose before the big 2 5 and sometimes I wish I had a job with people who could have a real GROWNUP conversation with me. Sometimes my life seems to be very little of what I thought it would be. But today I can honestly say I am not only content with it, I happy with it. I know there is time, I don't need to rush but rather keep on the steady pace I have been on. THERE IS TIME. I want to enter my 25th year celebrating the years I have lived and able to look forward to what has yet to come.

So instead of being depressed and dwelling on what I haven't accomplished I am excited for what will be one day and proud of all I have done so far. God has done so much in my life and led it in directions I never would have expected. I am overwhelmed looking back and thinking of all the people I have met, the relationships we have and all the times we have spent together. I realize now more than ever how so many of these people changed my life and I am so unbelievably thankful for them. Even if I had accomplished nothing in these 25 years, the friendships and family relationships I have alone would amount to a rich and beautiful quarter of a century.

So heres to 25 years of an incredible, difficult, beautiful, joyful, miserable, exciting, perfect with all its imperfections life! I am thankful for every moment, disappointment, accomplishment, mistake and choice I have ever had to make because they made me who I am today. I am excited and nervous for the next 25 years and cannot wait to see what they have in store! 

*Photos were taken by the amazing Heather Peters!


  1. Happy Birthday precious lady! What a great perspective. I am excited and expectant to see all the Lord has in store for you the next 25 years. May God bless you beyond your best dreams.

  2. Dear Alexandra, you shared great wisdom! May God bless you and may this be your GREAT year of accomplishments and dreams come truth

  3. ahhh I love how vulnerable you are!! Joyeux Anniversaire!!!
