Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Paper Love

I am totally obsessed with this
"City-To-City Stationary Set" from Anthropologie.
For as long as I can remember I  have had an immense love for paper products. I remember the love I had for the French school paper I used growing up; with colorful lines strategically placed to help make each letter the proper size. I remember getting beautiful stationary as a child intended for Thank You notes. I remember wishing I could keep each card because I loved them so much; yet also dying for a reason to fill a card with words so someone else in turn could enjoy the paper's beauty. 
When I was 10 I went to France and came back with a rather strange array of souvenirs. There was no tiny Eiffel Towel in my bag but rather an entire suite case dedicated to notebooks of all sizes and adorable stationary with some of my favorite European cartoon characters.
Thankfully I have also had an immense love for writing for as long as I can remember, so none of that marvelous paper ever went to waste. I love the act of putting ink on a page, words on paper. I love the way a great pen feels as it glides across a notecard (I also have a major pen infatuation btw). Literally writing letters is art to me. There are few things I find more completely satisfying than the act of saturating a piece of paper with words. Filling a dainty little notecard with kind thoughts turns the already beautiful designed card into something precious.
Over the years my ever growing stash of stationary had become quite the hoarding situation (I don't even think my husband knows the full extent since most of it is in storage). I kept purchasing cards and notebooks always with the intention of writing in them but simply hadn't in quite some time. So in an effort to give my treasured little cards true purpose I started writing letters to loved ones.
As I did this I began to realize how many things go unsaid when I see someone in person or talk to them via text. Rarely do I ever just gush about how much I love them or list off all the ways they have inspired me. In writing a letter I had the perfect opportunity to say all these things and more.
I tried my best to rack my brain for words and phrases adequate to express just how incredible they are. All the while realizing how truly thankful I am to have them in my life. I really am privileged to know some amazing human beings!
So here is my challenge to you. Regardless of if you have a love for paper or writing, get out that old stationary, or perhaps go buy a new set, and write to a friend or family member. Tell them what they mean to you and how they have impacted your life. It will not only brighten their day but most likely put a smile on your face or even a tear in your eye as you remember what a gem you have in that person.

These are my most recent stationary
purchase which I find completely adorable!
Target never fails.